Afes GmbH Groß- & Einzelhandel Beusselstr. 44 N-Q 10553 Berlin T: +49(0)30 - 398 37 16 0 E: info@afes.eu


As the quality of products comes first for our meat wholesale, we spare no effort to ensure full product quality assurance of Afes Meat products. We are a HACCP certified company, our suppliers all have the QS certificate resp. the international IFS certificate.

In addition, every employee receives regular training on hygiene and legal requirements for working with food. Specifically, each of our employees is therefore instructed into the specifics and safety regulations during meat processing at the start. Furthermore, our company is regularly checked by external inspectors.

More information about the “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points” concept (HACCP), which controls and certifies the quality of the production steps and of the meat products in accordance with EC Regulation 852/2004, can be found here.

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